Hagerstown Heating & Cooling Blog: Posts Tagged ‘Keedysville’

4 Early Heating Season Repairs You May Experience

Monday, September 9th, 2024

With warm temperatures in the forecast, it may not seem like fall is just around the corner. But soon enough, you’ll need to turn on your heating system for the first time. Unfortunately, it’s often at the start of the heating season that homeowners realize their heating systems aren’t working as well as they should. 

From a system that’s short cycling to one that’s blowing lukewarm air, let’s go over four of the most common early-season heating repairs we see. You can try and avoid the need for heating repair in Keedysville, MD by scheduling heating system maintenance now with our Super Techs. 

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Do This Before You Turn on Your AC This Spring

Monday, April 8th, 2024
Air Conditioner

Spring is here and that means you’ll be using your AC system soon. In addition to scheduling AC maintenance with our team, there are some DIY tasks you can complete to make sure your air conditioner will be ready to handle the upcoming cooling season. 

Not only will completing these tasks make sure your AC system lasts for the season, but it’s also the best way to prevent unexpected air conditioning repair in Keedysville. That’s because a well-maintained AC is one that’s less prone to breaking down. Here are 5 essential things to do before turning on your AC.

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Furnace Replacement: What Should I Look For?

Monday, January 15th, 2024
HVAC Maintenance Bill

No one looks forward to the day when they need furnace replacement. For many homeowners, it can be a stressful and frustrating time, especially when the need for a new furnace is because of an unexpected breakdown in the middle of winter.

If there’s a silver lining to needing a new furnace, it’s the fact that you have a lot of great options for your new heating system. You can look forward to increased home comfort, decreased utility bills, and a good 10–15 years before you’ll have to worry about this issue again.

So what should you look for when searching for a new furnace? Let’s go over the most important factors to keep in mind. Of course, we’re always here to make recommendations based on your home and household. We’d be happy to give you an estimate for your new heating system.

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Breathe Easier in the New Year

Monday, January 1st, 2024

Now that the holiday season is behind us, it’s time to think about the new year. New Year’s resolutions often have to do with health. Eating better, exercising more, and losing weight are some common ones. Some people may even resolve to use their phones less often and increase the amount of sleep they get.

When it comes to improving health, many people fail to consider the role their home plays. Your home’s indoor air quality could very well be a culprit when it comes to hindering your health goals. That’s because your home’s indoor air quality (also called IAQ) is usually worse than the air outside. Keep reading to learn about the importance of IAQ and health.

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